To start of this two week project we all met at stratford station where we were told what our project was going to be. The aim of the project was to come up with an olympic sport from something domestic that you would do around the home which actually turned out to be a harder task than I first thought plus we also had to design the stadium that this activity would be show in and how the audience would view the event taking place. We started by going in to Westfield shopping centre where we had to go around the shops taking pictures of different products to give us inspiration. Once we had done this we then took a walk around Stratford looking into how the area is split in to this new massive shopping centre and station that is made from modern materials and looks very new, to walking just five minutes away where there were old run down houses and empty blocks of flats due to the olympics. It was very interesting to see the comparison so close together. To end the day we walked to a viewing point of the olympic stadium which was strange as the whole area just looks empty now the olympics are over.
On the second day of the project, we were back at college and had to share some of the ideas that we had had. I came up with the idea of extreme pegging, whereby team had to race against each other to hang out the washing in the garden. I wanted the stadium to be as realistic to the actual task as possible so I started to design a stadium that looks like a row of houses with gardens.
To finish the week, I had a good discussion with one of my tutors about how I can make the event more exciting so we came up with the idea of bring the event up into the air by having the washing pegged on to a flag pole and then hoisted up in to the air by the competitors.
Lovely post,I like your blog very much.I loved to read this. We will also supply still images (internal and external visualisations), which will help you plan and visualise the design.